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These posts are meant to spur conversations between you and your practitioner, and inform about TCM.
These blog posts are NOT medical advice.


Queer Theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine: In Honor of PRIDE Month
As a non-Queer practitioner trying to improve the care I provide to those who do identify as LGBTQ+, and while sheltering in place, I’ve...

Springtime Stress Relief
Spring has sprung and here in Washington most of our State Parks opened again this month. It is the time of year when new growth bursts...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month: End the Stigma
Acupuncture: It's not just for physical pain. The “opioid crisis” has caused a lot of people to search for non-addictive sources of pain...

Acupuncture for Radiation Burns: All about the Radiation Burn Protocol
Within every profession there are many of us who practice and the few luminaries whose insights and development of the field change it...

Acupuncture for Kids: What is Pediatric Acupuncture?
In 2009, several researchers scoured the scientific literature for studies involving acupuncture for children. In particular, they found...

The Beauty of Tā
At my house, our lanterns are up and my daughter won't let us eat any of the oranges offered to the "Kitchen God" for a good report to...

"But I'm Afraid of Needles!"
One of the common hesitations I hear when someone is considering acupuncture treatments, is, "But I'm afraid of needles!" I've treated a...

What is Cupping? Gua Sha? Hunh?
Cupping is like a reverse massage. Instead of pushing down on your muscle tissue, an acupuncturist creates a vacuum in a "cup," usually...

Is Ibuprofen making your arthritis worse?
If you suffer from arthritis, you probably know it is often caused by the cartilage in your joints breaking down and wearing away. Dr....
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